Few people in the history of New Jersey soccer have done more for the moen’s game in particular and the sport in general than Beth.

A former recreational league player and team manager in Virginia from 1975-79, she also coached a U-6 youth team in those early years.

After moving to New Jersey in 1979 she established the Garden State Women’s League with Mike Palivoda, and the success of women’s amateur soccer in New Jersey is due primarily to Beth Dorch.

From 1980-88 she was president of GSWSL as well as a women’s team manager.

Administrative manager for the Union County Sports Club’s youth team she accompanied the team on a tour of South America to play in a tournament in Peru.

She has served as Eastern Regional team manager for three Olympic Festivals, in 1980 hosted a touring women’s team from Holland and in 1982 attained her “F” Coaching License. She was later elected the first woman vice president of the NJSSA and later appointed State registrar. Beth has also served as registrar for the Garden State League, while serving as a team manager for all but two years since 1979. She was a World Cup ’92 volunteer in the VIP/Hospitality Center.

P.O. Box 9765
Trenton, NJ 08650
e-mail: office@njsasoccer.com
In case of emergency, please call

P.O. Box 9765
Trenton, NJ 08650
e-mail: office@njsasoccer.com
In case of emergency, please call