By being affiliated with the United States Adult Soccer Association (also known as USASA), the New Jersey Soccer Association (also known as NJSA) participates to various Insurance programs under the USASA policy.

The primary component of the USASA Risk Management Program is the package of insurance coverage’s that is provided for the properly Affiliated Member Players, Teams, Leagues, State Associations and the National Organization.  This comprehensive plan with viable options is in place to protect all members of USASA including referees that work USASA sanctioned games.

The General Liability protects all NJSA affiliated members and the USASA in the event they are sued for incidents involving bodily injury or property damage resulting from an amateur soccer activity.  All affiliated members are provided this coverage upon registration with USASA through the NJSA.

Note: USSF certified referee are covered under the USSF plan for liability losses.

The Participant Accident Insurance protects Properly Registered Players and Referees that participate and work NJSA sanctioned matches.  This coverage includes medical and dental expenses occurred during NJSA sanctioned activities.  Each Affiliated League is covered for $10,000, and can choose a $25,000 benefit plan.

The $5,000.00 PAI coverage is provided for all USSF Certified referees working NJSA sanctioned events at no cost to the member organization.

The Directors and Officers coverage provides financial protection for the Directors and Officers in the event they are sued in conjunction with performing their duties.  All Affiliated Member Organizations (Leagues, Teams) are provided this coverage at no cost to the member organization upon completion of the required League Registration form which provides an annual list of Officers and Directors for a League, and upon completion of the required Team Officer Registration form for a Team.

Note: These high limit policies provide excellent protection to an Affiliated Organization and go a long way to reduce out – of – pocket loss by NJSA members.

Any questions regarding insurance with the NJSA, please call the NJSA Office at (609) 587-9265.