a) Function of the General Council

The NJSA shall be GOVERNED by the General Council.

b) Types of General Council meetings

There can be the following types of General Council 

  1. Annual General Council: Scheduled each year
  2. Special General Council: This type of meeting can be called by the President of the NJSA to resolve issues that cannot wait for the Annual General Council meeting.

c) Members of the General Council 

The General Council shall consist of:

  1. The official representative(s) of each NJSA Affiliated Premier and Recreation league, which qualifies as per rule 2104(e1).
  1. All the Elected Officers of the NJSA as specified in rule 2201(a).
  1. All Appointed Officers of the NJSA as specified in rule 2202, 2203 and 2204 (WITHOUT VOTE).
  1. All Other Officers of the NJSA as specified in rule 2205.

d) Decisions of General Council

Resolutions, decisions and amendments to the Constitution, By-Laws and Procedural Rules made by the General Council shall be binding upon all registered members and/or registered teams, until they are rescinded, reconsidered or varied by a vote taken at another General Council Meeting. 

Election of Officers cannot be rescinded or changed by another vote of the General Council.

e) CSL Attendance at General Council Meetings

The Cosmopolitan Soccer League may have a Delegate attend General Council Meetings, with a voice only, to facilitate resolution of CSL issues relating to referees, fields, etc.


  1. Function of the Board of Directors

The NJSA shall be REGULATED by the Board of Directors.

  1. Members of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of:

  1. All the Elected Officers of the NJSA as specified in rule 2201(a).
  1. All the NJSA Affiliated League delegates as specified in rule 2104(e1).
  1. All the Appointed Officers of the NJSA as specified in rule 2202, 2203 and 2204 (WITHOUT VOTE).
  1. All Other Officers of the NJSA as specified in rule 2205.
  1. CSL Attendance at Board of Directors Meetings

The Cosmopolitan Soccer League may have a Delegate attend Board of Directors Meetings, with a voice only, to facilitate resolution of CSL issues relating to referees, fields, etc.

  1. Decisions of the Board of Directors

Resolutions and/or decisions of the Board of Directors shall be binding upon all registered Leagues and/or Other Soccer Organizations, registered Teams and registered individuals (Players, Coaches, Managers, Referees and/or Officers), until they are rescinded or reversed by another Board of Directors decision or by a General Council decision.

  1. Arbitration Power

The Board of Directors shall have the power to arbitrate cases involving the violation of the rules of the NJSA and of the USSF within the NJSA.

  1. Appeal Power

The Board of Directors shall have the power to entertain appeals to decisions made by the NJSA Appeals Committee and hall have power to reverse, change or reinforce such decisions, provided the proper procedure for appeals is followed.

  1. Budgetary Power

The Board of Directors shall have the power to approve an annual operating budget and any other amendment to it before any disbursement can be made during a fiscal year.

  1. Contractual Power

The Board of Directors shall have the power to approve any Employment agreement that involves an annual salary larger than $12,000.

  1. Safe Sport Requirements

All Members of the Board of Directors (Representatives, Elected Officers and Appointed Officers) of the NJSA must attend a SAFESPORT clinic every two years. 


  1. Function of the Executive Committee 

The NJSA shall be ADMINISTERED by the Executive Committee and by its members within their respective jurisdictions.

  1. Members of the Executive Committee
  1. All the Elected Officers of the NJSA as specified in rule 2201(a).
  2. The General Secretary/Executive Director
  3. All Committee Chairs 
  1. Decisions of the Executive Committee

Actions and/or decisions of the Executive Committee shall be binding upon all affiliated and/or registered Leagues and/or registered Other Soccer Organizations, registered Teams and Registered Individuals (Players, Coaches, Managers, Referees and/or Officers), unless they are rescinded or reversed by a decision of the NJSA Board of Directors following a properly lodged appeal.

  1. Powers of the Executive Committee 

The Executive Committee shall have the power to apply the rules and policies of the NJSA, including the power to issue fines and suspensions to Affiliated and/or registered Leagues and/or Other Soccer Organizations, to all registered Teams and to all Registered Individuals (Players, Coaches, Managers, Referees and/or Officers), if necessary for the proper execution of its programs.

  1. Function of Leagues or Other Soccer Organizations

The function of the Leagues is to foster Association soccer competition(s) and promote such sport within all its registered clubs and/or teams. 

The function of Other Soccer Organizations is to provide a vehicle for certain types of teams and/or clubs, to register with the NJSA and receive specific NJSA benefits as detailed in these By-Laws.

  1. Types of Leagues and Other Soccer Organizations

This Association shall admit the following types of Leagues and Other Soccer Organizations, to be:

  1. Premier Leagues
  2. Recreation Leagues
  3. Associate Leagues
  4. USASA Leagues
  5. Other Soccer Organizations
  1. Composition of Leagues and Other Soccer Organizations

Except for Associate Leagues, all leagues must be composed exclusively and entirely of Teams as described below: 

1) Premier Leagues shall be composed only of Premier Teams registered with an NJSA affiliated Premier League.

2) Recreation Leagues shall be composed only of Recreation Teams registered with an NJSA affiliated Recreation League.

3) Associate Leagues shall be composed of any type of teams registered with an NJSA affiliated League or teams registered with a USASA League or teams registered with an Other Soccer Organization.

4) USASA Leagues shall be composed only of teams registered directly with the USASA.

5) All Other Soccer Organizations shall be composed only of Independent, Visiting, and/or Out-Of-State Teams as defined in these By-Laws. 

  1. Competitions of Leagues and Other Soccer Organizations

Each League shall be organized to provide its members with a soccer competition which shall be explained in writing to its participating Teams. Every team shall accept such league’s ruling and policies upon written application to such league’s programs.

An Associate League shall organize only tournament type competitions (indoor or outdoor) not to exceed 8 weeks in length. Any type of NJSA registered team and/or player may participate in a tournament organized by an Associate League.

A USASA League shall organize competitions under the direct control of the USASA and shall abide by all its rulings, policies and fees.

Other Soccer Organizations shall be part of Organization Members (as defined in USSF Bylaws) which organize competition(s) that include at least one Independent and/or one Visiting and/or one Out-Of-State Team.

  1. Qualifications of Leagues or Other Soccer Organizations

e1. The following requirements must be met by Premier, Recreation and Associate Leagues in order to be recognized as and, for a currently affiliated league, to maintain the status of “Affiliated” member of the NJSA:

  1. Must Register with the NJSA.
  1. Must have paid its annual NJSA registration fee not later than Sept. 1st for leagues that start their season during the Fall Season, not later than March 1st for leagues that start their season during the Spring Season and May 1st for leagues that start their season during the Summer Season. 
  1. Must not have any outstanding debt toward the NJSA.
  1. Must have registered the minimum required number of teams during the current season as specified below. 
  1. Must submit, on a yearly basis, a copy of its current Constitution, By-Laws and Rules, and a list of its current officers.
  1. Must be legally incorporated with the State of New Jersey.

e2.  The following requirements must be met by a USASA League in order to be registered with the NJSA:

  1. Must Register with the NJSA.
  1. USASA Leagues may be registered with the NJSA but shall not be deemed to be affiliated members of the NJSA .
  1. Must have paid its annual NJSA USASA League administrative fee not later than Sept. 1for USASA Leagues that start their season during the Fall Season, not later than March 1 for USASA Leagues that start their season during the Spring Season, and May 1 for USASA Leagues that start their season during the Summer Season. 
  1. Must not have any outstanding debt with the NJSA.
  1. Must register the minimum required number of teams as specified below.

e3. The following requirements must be met by all Other Soccer Organizations in order to be registered with the NJSA:

  1. Must Register with the NJSA.
  1. Other Soccer Organizations may be registered with the NJSA but shall not be voting members of the NJSA.
  1. Must have paid its annual NJSA Other Soccer Organization administrative fee not later than Sept. 1for Organizations that start their season during the Fall Season, not later than March 1 for Organizations that start their season during the Spring Season, and May 1 for Organizations that start their season during the Summer Season. 
  1. Must not have any outstanding debt with the NJSA.
  1. Must register the minimum required number of Independent and/or Visiting teams and/or Out-Of-State Teams as specified below.
  1. Minimum number of teams

The following League or Other Soccer Organization types must register the minimum number of teams as listed below on an annual basis.

League/Organization TypeMinimum Number of teams
Premier League12 NJSA Registered teams 
Recreation League8  NJSA Registered teams 
Associate League4 NJSA Registered teams 
USASA LeagueAt least 1 Team located in NJ
Other Soccer OrganizationsAt least 1 Independent and/or 1 Visiting Team located in NJ, and/or 1 Out-Of-State Team
  1. Voting Power

Any NJSA Affiliated Premier, Recreation and Associate League, which does not meet all the requirements specified above, shall be deprived of its voting rights (if any) until conformity is re-established.

USASA Leagues and Other Soccer Organizations shall not be allowed to vote in any General Council meeting or Board of Directors meeting.

g1)  Each NJSA Affiliated Premier, Recreation and Associate League shall be allowed to vote as follows:

  1. At General Council Meetings
  • Premier Leagues shall be allowed to cast one vote per team affiliated with such League and that qualifies per rule 2105(c).
  • Recreation Leagues shall be allowed to cast one (1) vote for each 10 teams or fraction of 10 affiliated with such Recreation League and that qualifies per rule 2105(d).
  • Associate Leagues shall not be allowed to vote in any General Council meeting.
  1. 2)At Board of Directors Meetings
  • Premier Leagues shall be allowed to cast two (2) votes independent of the number of Premier Teams affiliated with such League.
  • Recreation Leagues shall be allowed one (1) vote independent of the number of Recreation Teams affiliated with League.
  • Associate Leagues shall not be allowed to vote in any Board of Directors meeting.

g2)  A NJSA registered USASA League shall not be allowed to vote at any General Council meetings and/or at any Board of Directors meeting.

g3)  A NJSA registered Other Soccer Organization shall not be allowed to vote at any General Council meeting and/or at any Board of Directors meeting.

  1. Leagues Representatives and Delegates

Every NJSA Affiliated Premier or Recreation League shall be officially represented by its President or by one (1) representative officially delegated in writing by such President, at each Board of Directors meeting or General Council meeting during each current season. This Representative/Delegate shall exercise such League’s voting rights as defined in these By-laws. In his/her absence, he/she may be replaced by an Alternate delegate. 

The name of the League Delegate and Alternate Delegate must be submitted in writing each current season for registration with the General Secretary/Executive Director of the NJSA, by the President of such League. Only the League’s President or the  Delegate or Alternate officially delegated,  shall be allowed to cast any allowed vote in the name of the league by him/her represented at the General Council or Board of Directors Meetings.

Except as otherwise provided herein, every NJSA registered Associate League or any NJSA registered USASA League and/or any NJSA registered Other Soccer Organization, shall not be allowed to be represented at any General Council meeting or Board of Directors meeting.

All League Officers of a NJSA affiliated league must attend a SAFESPORT clinic every two years. 

  1. Responsibility

Each NJSA Affiliated Premier or Recreation League shall be entirely responsible for administering itself and its currently affiliated teams, provided all its rules and decisions conform to the NJSA rules and guidelines, and shall be required to abide to all rules and decisions of the NJSA or its responsible Officers.

Each Premier or Recreation League must notify their currently Affiliated teams about any action, correspondence or decision made by the NJSA. A non-compliant League shall be subject to discipline.

Each NJSA Associate League, NJSA Registered USASA League or Other Soccer Organization shall be entirely responsible for administering itself and its currently registered teams, provided all its rules and decisions conform to the NJSA By-laws, rules and guidelines, and shall be required to abide by all rules and decisions of the NJSA or its responsible Officers.

  1. Registration/Administrative Fees

Each NJSA Premier, Recreation or Associate League must pay an annual League Registration fee to the NJSA as set by the General Council at the Annual General Meeting. 

Each USASA League or Other Soccer Organization must pay an annual Administrative Fee to the NJSA as set by the General Council at the Annual General Meeting. 

  1. Renewal of Annual Registration

Each NJSA Premier, Recreation or Associate League must renew its affiliation with this Association on an annual basis by submitting an Online Registration from the NJSA website and by paying the appropriate annual League Affiliation fee. This Affiliation will be valid until the end of the official season of the NJSA as described in these by-laws.

Each USASA League or Other Soccer Organization shall renew its registration with this Association on an annual basis by submitting an Online Registration application from the NJSA website and by paying the appropriate annual Administrative Fee. This Registration will be valid until the end of the official season of the NJSA as described in these By-laws.

  1. Application for Membership

Application for Membership by a new League or Other Soccer Organization shall be reviewed for adherence to the NJSA rules by the Executive Director/General Secretary. The Executive Director/General Secretary shall make a recommendation to the NJSA Board of Directors, pending final approval by General Council.

In addition to the requirements specified in rule 2104 each applicant must adhere to the following requirements depending on the type of membership desired.

  1. Application to Membership as a Premier League

Any League properly applying and seeking affiliation with the NJSA as a Premier League shall be required to adhere to the following requirements:

  1. First Time registering Premier Leagues must pay an application fee of $100.00, which is not returnable.
  1. First Time registering Premier Leagues must pay a performance bond of $500.00, which is returnable after three consecutive years of compliance to all rules of the NJSA and of activity in the NJSA.
  1. Must register a minimum of 12 Premier teams that did not play in the previous season in an existing Premier League unless such League does not exist anymore.
  1. Application to Membership as a Recreation League

Any league properly applying and seeking affiliation with the NJSA as a Recreation League shall be required to adhere to the following requirements

  1. First Time registering Recreation Leagues must pay an application fee of $100.00, which is not returnable.
  1. First Time registering Premier Leagues must pay a performance bond of $250.00, which is returnable after three consecutive years of compliance to all rules of the NJSA and of activity in the NJSA.
  1. Must register a minimum of 8 Recreation Teams that did not play in the previous season in an existing Recreation League unless such League does not exist anymore.
  1. Application to Membership as a Associate League

Any league properly applying and seeking affiliation with the NJSA as an Associate League shall be required to adhere to the following requirements

  1. Must have paid an annual Associate League Registration fee that shall be set by the General Council of the NJSA.
  1. Must be composed of any type of NJSA Registered Teams and composed of properly NJSA Registered Players only. 
  1. Application to Membership as a USASA League.

Any USASA League properly applying and seeking registration with the NJSA as a USASA League shall be required to adhere to the following requirements:

  1. Must be affiliated with the USASA. A USASA League shall pay a USASA League Administrative fee that shall be set by the General Council of the NJSA.
  1. Must affiliate with the USASA at least one (1) team that plays its home games within the state of New Jersey.
  1. Application for Membership as Other Soccer Organization.

Any Soccer Organization properly applying and seeking registration with the NJSA as Other Soccer Organization shall be required to adhere to the following requirements

  1. Must be affiliated with a State Association other than the NJSA or with a soccer organization unaffiliated with the NJSA. The Other Soccer Organization shall pay a yearly Administrative fee that shall be set by the General Council of the NJSA.
  1. Must include at least one Independent and/or one Visiting and/or one Out-Of- State team type as defined in these By-laws. They can have as many Out-Of-State Teams as they desire.
  1. Financial Records

All NJSA Affiliated Premier, Recreation or Associate Leagues shall be required to keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and to make them available to the NJSA upon request.

USASA Leagues shall be bound by the financial requirements and By-laws of the USASA.

Other Soccer Organizations shall be bound by the financial requirements and By-laws of the State Association of which they are an affiliated member.

  1. Rights and Limitations

The following chart shows the rights and restrictions of the different types of Leagues or Organizations

League/OrganizationReferee AssignmentsPlayer Registration

Premier LeagueBy NJSA State Assignor or Certified Assistant AssignorBy NJSA State Registrar or Assistant Registrar
Recreation LeagueBy Recreation League Certified AssignorBy NJSA State Registrar or Assistant Registrar
Associate LeagueBy NJSA State Assignor or by a Tournament Certified AssignorBy NJSA State Registrar or Assistant Registrar
USASA LeagueBy USASA League Certified AssignorBy USASA League Registrar
Other Soccer OrganizationsBy NJSA State Assignor or Certified Assistant Assignor when playing in the NJ territoryBy NJSA State Registrar or Assistant Registrar for Independent Teams, but NOT for Visiting or Out-Of-State Teams 
  1. Insurance Coverage

Every NJSA properly registered Premier, Recreation or Associate League, shall receive Liability insurance coverage and all its registered Officers shall receive Directors and Officers Insurance coverage through the USASA Insurance programs. 

A USASA League shall receive Liability insurance directly from the USASA. 

Other Soccer Organizations shall receive Liability insurance directly from the State Association with which they are an affiliated member. 

  1. TEAMS
  1. Function of Teams

Teams are the fundamental elements of each League or Other Soccer Organization. 

  1. Types of Teams

This Association shall recognize the following types of teams:

  1. Premier Team

Teams that are affiliated with a NJSA Premier League and composed entirely of NJSA registered Premier Players.

  1. Recreation Team

Teams that are affiliated with a NJSA Recreation League and composed entirely of NJSA registered Recreation Players.

  1. Associate Teams
  1. Teams formed of registered players under the age of 20 and registered with the NJSA, organized for the purpose of participating in the U20 NJSA Development program (also known as U20 Teams).
  2. Teams formed of registered players under the age of 23 and registered with the NJSA, organized for the purpose of participating in the U23 NJSA Development program (also known as U23 Teams).
  3. Teams formed of registered players for the purpose of participating in an Outdoor Tournament officially recognized by the NJSA (also known as Tournament teams).
  4. Teams formed of registered players for the purpose of participating in an Indoor Tournament officially recognized by the NJSA (also known as Indoor teams).
  1. USASA League Teams

Teams that are affiliated with a NJSA registered USASA League and composed entirely of Players that have been registered directly by the USASA.

  1. Independent, Visiting and Out-Of-State Teams 

These are Teams that are registered with Other Soccer Organizations.

These 3 types of Teams shall have different Player registration requirements as detailed in these By-laws.

  1. Qualifications for Premier Teams

Premier League Teams qualify as members of the NJSA as defined in these By-laws.  

The following requirements must be met in order for a Premier Team to qualify as an “Affiliated” member team of the Premier League and of the NJSA:

  1. Must have been registered to compete in a Premier League competition during the current season.
  1. Must fill out and submit annually to the NJSA, an online Team registration.
  1. Must have paid the annual Premier Team Registration fee to the NJSA, before the meeting when it is accounted for, but not later then Oct. 1st for Premier Leagues that start during the Fall Season, not later than April 1st for Premier Leagues that start during the Spring Season and June 1st first for Premier Leagues that start during the Summer Season. 
  1. Must have a minimum of eleven (11) players registered and paid for to the NJSA by Oct 30th for Premier Leagues that start during the Fall season, by April 30th for Premier Leagues that start during the Spring Season and by June 30th for Premier Leagues that start during the Summer Season.
  1. Qualifications for Recreation Teams

Recreation League Teams qualify as members of the NJSA as defined in these By-laws. 

The following requirements must be adhered to by all Recreation League Teams in order to be considered as an “Affiliated” member team of the Recreation League and of the NJSA.

  1. Must have been registered to compete in a Recreation League competition during the current season.
  1. Must fill out and submit annually to the NJSA an Online Team Registration. 
  1. Must have paid the annual Recreation Team Registration Fee to the NJSA, not later then Oct. 1st for Recreation Leagues that start during the Fall Season, not later than April 1st for Recreation Leagues that start during the Spring Season and June 1st first for Recreation Leagues that start during the Summer Season. 
  1. Must have a minimum of eleven (11) players registered and paid for to the NJSA by Oct 30th for Recreation Leagues that start during the Fall season, by April 30th for Recreation Leagues that start during the Spring Season and by June 30th for Recreation Leagues that start during the Summer Season.
  1. Qualifications for Associate Teams

Associate teams DO NOT qualify as voting members of the NJSA.

The following requirements must be adhered to by all Associate Teams 

in order to be considered as “Affiliated” with the NJSA:

  1. Associate Teams are formed for the purpose of participating in an Associate League.
  1. Any currently affiliated Premier and/or Recreation teams and/or any currently registered USASA League team and/or any currently registered Other Soccer Organization team,  may be part of the programs offered by an Associate League. Teams that have already been registered with the NJSA thru a Premier League, a Recreation League, a USASA League or Other Soccer Organization, do not have to comply with item 3) below.
  1. Must have paid the Associate Team Registration fee to the NJSA. 
  1. Must fill out and submit to the NJSA an Online Team Registration.
  1. All players that are part of an Associate team must be registered with the NJSA as Associate League Players. 
  1. Players that wish to play for an Associate Team, and are registered with the NJSA during the current season either as a Premier League Player or a Recreation League Player or USASA League Player ora Other Team Player, shall not be charged a Player Registration fee.  All other players not currentlyregistered with the NJSA will be charged an Associate Player Registration fee.
  1. Qualifications for USASA League Teams

USASA League Teams DO NOT qualify as voting members of the NJSA.

The following requirements must be met by a USASA League team in order to be considered as “Registered” member of the USASA League and of the NJSA.

  1. Must be “Registered” with a USASA League and the USASA. 
  2. Must play its Home games within the State of New Jersey
  3. Must fill out and submit annually to the NJSA an Online Team Registration. 
  4. Must pay an annual USASA Team Administrative Fee to the NJSA.
  5. Any currently registered USASA League team may be part of the programs offered by an Associate League.
  1. Qualifications for Other Soccer Organization Teams

Independent, Visiting and Out-Of-State Teams DO NOT qualify as voting members of the NJSA at any meeting.

The following requirements must be met by Other Soccer Organization teams in order to be considered as a “Registered” member of Other Soccer Organizations and of the NJSA.

g1) INDEPENDENT TEAM requirements and benefits

  1. Must be registered with an Other Soccer Organization and the NJSA. 
  2. Must be registered with a League affiliated with an Organization Member (as defined in USSF By-laws) other than the NJSA.
  3. Must have its Club/Team Headquarters located in NJ.
  4. Must play its home games within the State of NJ.
  5. Must fill out and submit to the NJSA an Online Team Registration.
  6. Must pay an annual INDEPENDENT Team Administrative Fee to the NJSA.
  7. Must register all its players with the NJSA.
  8. Shall be allowed to participate in any NJSA program or activity and must abide by such program or activity’s policies.
  9. Any currently registered Independent Team may participate in programs offered by an Associate League.

g2) VISITING TEAM requirements and benefits

  1. Must be registered with a Other Soccer Organization and the NJSA. 
  2. Must be registered with a League affiliated with an Organization Member (as defined in USSF By-laws) other than the NJSA.
  3. Must play its Home games within the State of NJ
  4. Must fill out and submit annually to the NJSA an Online Team Registration.
  5. Must pay an annual VISITING Team Administrative Fee to the NJSA.
  6. Must register all its players with the League that is affiliated with a State Association other than the NJSA.
  7. Shall not be allowed to participate to any NJSA Program or activity.
  8. Any currently registered Visiting Team may be part of the programs offered by an Associate League.

 G3) OUT-OF-STATE TEAM requirements and benefits

  1. Must be registered with a Other Soccer Organization and the NJSA. 
  2. Must be registered with a League affiliated with an Organization Member (as defined in USSF By-laws) other than the NJSA.
  3. Must play games within the State of NJ against Independent or Visiting Teams registered with the same Guest Soccer Organization.
  4. Must fill out and submit annually to the NJSA an Online Team Registration.
  5. Must pay an annual OUT-OF-STATE Team Administrative Fee to the NJSA.
  6. Must register all its players with the League that is affiliated with a State Association other than the NJSA. 
  7. Shall not be allowed to participate in any NJSA Program or activity.
  8. Any currently registered Out-Of-State Team may be part of the programs offered by a NJSA Associate League.
  1. Responsibility

Every NJSA Affiliated team shall be governed by the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of the NJSA, of the USASA, of the USSF and/or of the NJSA Affiliated League of which they are members.

Every USASA Registered team shall be governed by the Constitution, By-laws, Policies and Rules of the NJSA, of the USASA, of the USSF and/or of the USASA League of which they are a member.

Every Other Soccer Organization registered team shall be governed by the Constitution, By-laws, Policies and Rules of the NJSA, of the USASA, of the USSF and/or of the non-NJSA affiliated League of which they are registered members.

All “Affiliated” or “Registered” teams shall be required to abide to all rules and decisions of this Association or its responsible officers.

  1. Fees

Every team must pay the appropriate fees set by the NJSA at the General Council Meeting. Refer to the NJSA website for current list of fees. 

  1. Application

Every team must apply to the NJSA using the Online Team Registration Form on an annual basis and must pay for the appropriate annual Team Registration fee.

In addition, teams must abide to the following requirements:

  1. Premier, Recreation and Associate Leagues teams must be affiliated with a properly NJSA Affiliated League.
  1. USASA League teams and Other Soccer Organization teams must be registered with a properly registered NJSA League/Organization.  
  1. Premier, Recreation and Associate Leagues teams must include only players that have been registered directly with the NJSA. 
  1. USASA League teams must include only players that have been registered directly with the USASA. 
  1. Independent Teams must include only players that have been registered directly with the NJSA. 
  1. Visiting and Out-Of-State Teams must include only players that have been registered directly with a State Association other than the NJSA. 
  1. Must not have any outstanding debt toward the NJSA.
  1. Must not have any outstanding debt toward any other Affiliated League.
  1. Rights and Limitations

The following chart shows the availability of the benefits offered by the NJSA.

Activity/BenefitPremier TeamsRecreat. Teams
Associate Teams U20U23 Associate Teams Outdoor Indoor USASA League TeamsIndependent Teams
Visiting and Out-Of-State Teams
Participation in National Cup in NJYESNOYESNONOYESNO
Participation in NJ State CupYESYESYESNONOYESNO
Participation in Select ProgramYESYESYESNOYESYESNO
Permission to Travel  out of StateYESYESYESNONONONO
Liability Insurance CoverageYESYESYESYESNONONO
Medical Insurance CoverageYESYESYESYESNOYESNO
Directors & Officers InsuranceYESYESYESYESNONONO
Player Registration in multiple LeaguesYESYESYESYESYESYESYES

NOTE *: NJ State Cups participation is NOT allowed for VISITING or OUT-OF-STATE teams

  1. Team Manager

Each team shall be administered by a Team Manager who will be the Main Contact between the NJSA and his/her team.

No team shall be allowed to affiliate with the NJSA without indicating on the application, the name, full address, E-mail address and telephone number of a Team Manager.

Change of address and of e-mail of the Team Manager’s name shall be maintained online by the affected team to the NJSA by using the NJSA Website.

Team Managers must be at least 18 years of age. 

  1. Team Officers

Teams shall be allowed to register a number of individuals as Team Officers of the team. These are persons that are directly involved in the Management and Operations of the team.

These individuals shall be registered using the Online Team Officer registration facility. The Team Manager MUST also be registered as a Team Officer.

All Team Officers must abide by policy 212-3 of the United States Soccer Federation. 

All the Premier, Recreation and Associate Leagues team’s registered Team Officers shall be covered by the Directors and Officers insurance program as offered by the USASA. 

USASA League teams and Independent, Visiting or Out-Of-State teams Officers, shall not receive the Officers and Directors insurance from the NJSA. 

  1. Team Officers Responsibility

All Registered Team Officers shall be responsible for:

  1. Any outstanding debt accumulated by the team they registered with,   to the NJSA or to the league they were involved with.
  1. Any disciplinary action taken by the NJSA or USASA or USSF, towards the team they are registered with.
  1. Age of Players

Every player that wishes to participate in any NJSA Affiliated Program/League under the jurisdiction of the NJSA, MUST be at least 18 years of age.

  1. Registration

Every player that wishes to participate in any NJSA Affiliated Program/League under the jurisdiction of the NJSA, MUST be registered using the Online Player Registration interface tool and MUST have paid the appropriate Player Registration Fees as determined by the NJSA. 

USASA League teams must register their players directly with the USASA. 

All Independent Teams must register their players registered directly with the NJSA and pay the appropriate Player Registration Fees as determined by the NJSA.

All Visiting and Out-Of-State Teams must register their players directly with the State Association, other than the NJSA

  1. Registration requirements

Requirements for properly register with the NJSA, are detailed in the Policies of the 3100 series.

  1. Responsibility

Every RegisteredPlayer and shall be required to adhere to all rules, actions and decisions of the NJSA, of the USASA and/or of the USSF

  1. Responsibility Towards Team

Every Registered Player shall be responsible to adhere to all the documented financial or equipment agreements with the team they registered with.

  1. Medical Insurance Coverage

For Premier, Recreation and Associate Leagues teams, every properly registered player shall receive Medical Insurance Coverage as provided by the USASA or other carrier as selected by the NJSA. The premium for such coverage shall be included in the Player Registration Fee.

For Independent Teams, players shall receive Medical Insurance Coverage as provided by the USASA through NJSA. The premium for such coverage shall be included in the Player Registration Fee.

For USASA League teams and for Visiting and Out-Of-State Teams, players shall receive Medical Insurance Coverage as provided by the USASA or by the State Association (other than NJSA) of which their League is an affiliated member. 

  1. Financial Responsibility 

Every registered player shall be responsible for his/her Fair Share of any outstanding debt of the team they were registered with, at the time that such debt occurred. Such debt can be towards the NJSA and/or the Affiliated League where the Team was registered. 

  1. Sexual Abuse Responsibility

Every Properly registered player MUST report immediately to his/her Team Manager, or to the League they are registered with or to the NJSA Office any activity of sexual abuse that they witness or that they suspect is happening. 

All registered players must abide by policy 212-3 of the United States Soccer Federation. 

P.O. Box 9765
Trenton, NJ 08650
e-mail: office@njsasoccer.com
In case of emergency, please call

P.O. Box 9765
Trenton, NJ 08650
e-mail: office@njsasoccer.com
In case of emergency, please call